Thanks so much for your interest in my professional background and experience. Below is a copy of my Human Factors Engineering Career Bio and full Curriculum Vitae (CV) for your perusal. It’s quite fascinating to me how I've come full circle back to my first loves of understanding the human body and human performance/potential and promoting wellness--which were always the core passions driving my human factors and engineering pursuits of the past. As a holistic medicine practitioner, it’s such an honor and privilege to get to work directly with people one-on-one in the treatment room and share my passions for personal discovery and awareness and promoting wellness on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. Another rewarding aspect of my clinical work is how it perfectly complements my research and teaching interests and entrepreneurial spirit by simultaneously bridging gaps between theory and practice for a multitude of focus areas-- and all with the ultimate end result of benefiting my patients and clients. I look forward to sharing my learning and insights with you in the treatment room, should you choose to work with me as your acupuncture practitioner and wellness partner.
In the future I aim to periodically update this website with relevant resources and external links, as well as my own reflections and insights, as I continue to gain new awareness of our amazingly complex human bodies and how to promote our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being from both Eastern and Western Medicine perspectives and from an overall holistic perspective.
If you wish to make an appointment, or to contact me about community programs, teaching, or human factors related consulting opportunities, please contact me by phone in the USA at +1 202-630-LEAH [5324] or by E-mail.
Human Factors Engineering Career Bio
Before embarking on a new Human Factors related career path in 2009 as a Holistic Medicine Business Owner, Practitioner, Wellness Coach & Instructor, and an Integrative Health Sciences/Engineering Consultant & Research Advisor, Dr. Leah Reeves Butler was the Director of Human-Technology Integration and Assessment (HTIA) for the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies’ (The Institute’s) general operations and an adjunct Senior Fellow in The Institute’s Center for Neurotechnology Studies (CNS). Through her Human-Systems Computing and Human Performance Science and Technology (S&T) and Engineering leadership and expertise as HTIA Director, Dr. Reeves Butler supported a variety of human-centric information technology and training initiatives for numerous entities (e.g., Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency [DARPA], Office of Naval Research [ONR], U.S. Marine Corps [USMC] Training and Education Command [TECOM], and the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory [MCWL]) in current and next generation initiatives in Military Capabilities (e.g., Distributed & Asymmetric/ Irregular Operations; Humanitarian Intervention). Particular expertise was given to optimizing human performance in complex and stressful operational environments via: cognitive performance enhancement technologies, physical performance enhancement and survivability tools and techniques, and training methodologies and technologies (i.e., both in real world and virtual training simulations). She also led collaborative teams of eminent technical, ethical, legal, and social science experts in efforts to develop guidelines of development, use, and dissemination of neurotechnology. Her 20 years of Human Factors Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, and Human Systems Integration (HSI) experience also include:
Continuous external client and stakeholder relationship management with funding agencies, government and non-government and military organizations and laboratories, industry and university research laboratories, community groups, and other research partners to foster and communicate the breadth and depth of ongoing research discoveries and capabilities, while matching capabilities with client and stakeholder needs;
Vision and Strategic Planning and S&T Advisement for ONR’s Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Department and Engineering/Science Management and Advisement for this department’s Human Performance, Training, and Education (HPT&E) Program;
Engineering/Research/Science Advisor for ONR’s Virtual Training and Environments (VIRTE) Program, for DARPA’s Augmented Cognition-based Improving Warfighter Information Intake Under Stress Program, and for various agencies’ phase 1 and 2 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants that focused on developing information design support tools for C4ISR systems;
Developing and presenting Human Factors Engineering tutorials/workshops and CEU courses for international conferences and government/military agencies;
Design and Usability Engineering work for various industry, government, and military entities, including Microsoft, Motorola, RPR Pharmaceuticals, Time Warner Cable, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the U.S. Army and Navy;
Numerous co-editorships, international presentations, and publications in various human factors and human systems engineering-focused journals, books, conferences, and magazines;
Co-development, management, and facilitation of numerous int’l conferences, technical workshops, and R&D agendas.
Full Curriculum Vitae
While pursuing her Undergraduate, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering, Leah concurrently worked as a Human Factors Engineering professional in the private industry, government, and military sectors for over 15 years. Her primary focus areas during that time were Human Engineering/Ergonomics (physical & cognitive) and Human-System Integration (HSI) issues associated with complex and interactive multimodal systems. Her engineering training and professional experiences cultivated her critical thinking skills and problem solving dexterity - - skills which transfer very well into most any environment; while her core passions for understanding the human body and human potential and promoting wellness are what have continually driven her personal and professional interests throughout her life. Leah’s keen understanding of the stresses of our modern 21st Century living has enabled her to employ proven methods for minimizing such stressors’ impact on human performance and overall well-being. Her specialties in a much broader sense, however, have centered on building trust and fostering relationships among stakeholders and user communities while solving their complex research, design/development, and implementation challenges. Since 2016, Leah has focused her full-time professional pursuits on her Engineering Project Management Consulting firm, ButlerMatrix, LLC, while in her spare time planning for her next community service ventures that will incorporate her previous Holistic/Functional Medicine Practitioner & Wellness Coaching business (that also included her Integrative Health Sciences/Human Engineering Consultant, Research Advisor & Educator work) into a 501c3 charitable organization. These wellness industry pursuits provide ideal opportunities for Leah to apply insightful, compassionate, and powerfully integrative science- & technology-based approaches to promoting physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being from both classical eastern and modern western perspectives -- approaches that she mindfully applies to her professional engineering work as well.
Education, Engineering Degree Programs
· Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Human Factors / Cognitive Ergonomics focus; Dec 2006
Office of Naval Research (ONR) fellowship grantee
· Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (M.S.I.E.), Human Engineering/Ergonomics; Dec 1999
College of Engineering Kersten Fellowship grantee; National Science Foundation (NSF) fellow
· Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (B.S.I.E.) with University Honors & May 1997
“Honors in the Major” in Industrial Engineering & Management Systems; NSF undergraduate fellow
Engineering-Related Certifications, Licensures, Registrations
HAAG ENGINEERING, Flower Mound, Texas
· HAAG Certified Inspector (HCI), #201812128 (Residential & Wind) Dec 2018
TILE ROOFING INDUSTRY ALLIANCE -- TRI High Wind Manual Certification, Orlando, FL Aug 2018
Medical-Related Degree Programs
· Master of Oriental Medicine (M.OM) May 2013
· Master of Acupuncture (M.Ac.) Dec 2011
Medical-Related Certifications, Licensures, Registrations
LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST (L.Ac.), State of Maryland, USA, #U01954 (‘inactive’ May 2016) Jan 2012- Present
PURNA YOGA TEACHER TRAINING, Byron Yoga Center, Byron Bay, Australia May 2016
· Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200®), Yoga Alliance®, #192649
NEW ZEALAND ACUPUNCTURE STANDARDS AUTHORITY (NZASA), Registered Acupuncturist & ACC Provider April 2015 -2016
NEW ZEALAND MINISTRY OF HEALTH & QUITLINE, Registered Quitcard Provider (Smoking Cessation) Dec 2015
MEDICAL QIGONG PRACTITIONER (MQP) PROGRAM, Dr. Isaac Goren, Hallandale, Florida, USA July 2014
· Certified MQP, International Institute of Medical Qigong faculty standards
· Certified Classical Tui Na Practitioner, Zheng Gu Tui Na certification standards
· Certified NADA Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist (ADS), USA, #10080
Professional Experience
05/2016 – Present ButlerMatrix, LLC, DC METRO AREA, NY, BOSTON, FLORIDA:
As Owner/CEO of employee-owned company, responsible for executive leadership via strategic vision, mission, and business planning and execution strategies, while also performing daily technical, engineering and management operations, including: client relationship management; contract procurement and oversight; funding strategies; proposal and technical report writing and management; forensic engineering analyses; budgeting, financial planning and management; and, performing monthly financial evaluations of company results and continuous iterative planning for marketing, operational and investment strategies.
Holistic/Functional Medicine Business Owner, Licensed/Registered Acupuncture Practitioner, Wellness Coach & Instructor, and an Integrative Health Sciences/Human Factors Engineering Consultant, Research Advisor & Adjunct Professor in the USA. Additional Auckland, NZ appointments included: contracted Acupuncturist and Wellness Coach at CityMed Physiotherapy, supporting patients through injury, trauma, physio/rehab, and general wellness goals [April 2015-2016]; contracted Invited Lecturer and Lead Tutor (Instructor) at Wellpark College of Natural Therapies for MS101, Foundational Sciences for Natural Therapies (Anatomy & Physiology I) and special topics in integrative medicine (e.g., intro of Chinese Medicine / Energetics into a western herbal medicine curriculum) [June 2015 – Jan 2016]; mentor/speaker for Women in Engineering (WEN) network [University of Auckland, 2015-16].
04/2009 – 04/2013 MUIH [formerly TAI SOPHIA INSTITUTE.], LAUREL, MD:
As Adjunct Faculty in the Integrative Health Sciences Department, responsible for course design, development, and instruction on topics including: Wellness Physiology; Eastern & Western Approaches to Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Nutrition; Neurophysiology and Technology, Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine and therapeutic interventions. Also serve as substitute lecturer in various Bioscience courses & topics as needed. As a Human Factors Consultant, provided strategy and science advisement to the design and implementation of research proposals and studies, experimental protocol, technical reports, and scholarly publications, which also resulted in MUIH's first successfully implemented double-blind placebo-controlled study regarding herbal supplementation effects on cognition [2009-2012].
11/2005 - 12/2008 POTOMAC INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES, ARLINGTON, VA: [Security Clearance Level, Secret]
As Director of the Potomac Institute’s Human-Technology Integration and Assessment (HTIA) Office, provided: Human Performance Science & Technology (S&T) and Engineering expertise and management to support the Dept. of Defense (DoD) in a variety of human-centric information technology and training initiatives for DARPA, Office of Naval Research (ONR), U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Training and Education Command (TECOM), and the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) in current and next generation initiatives in military and peace-keeping operations. Particular S&T emphasis given to optimizing human performance in complex and stressful operational environments via: cognitive & physical performance enhancement and technologies, survivability, and training technology (i.e., both in real world and virtual simulations). Provided program management assistance and technical expertise to: develop S&T strategy and investment plans and successfully demonstrate and transition S&T to applicable programs of record via assessment of U.S. Navy and USMC needs; identify and foster close working relationships with users and foster strong user support for S&T research projects; coordinate international S&T meetings to foster collaborations and disseminate information to funding agencies, internal and external clients, and user communities. Key Projects and additional professional appointments included:
· Fall 2007 - Dec 2008: Supported ONR Code 30 (Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism S&T Department) in developing S&T roadmaps for human social, cultural, and behavioral (HSCB) research and development (6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 levels) and integrating into existing CONOPS.
· July 2006 - Dec 2007: Supported ONR Code 30 as lead Strategic Vision and Execution Strategy planner for the Human Performance, Training and Education (HPT&E) Program, which is a high visibility, $15M+ Naval S&T program impacting numerous other human-system computing related programs within the Navy and USMC; directly involved with program implementation, review (both proposal and program execution stages), funding recommendations, post-award management, and the technical evaluation of projects within the Human Performance, Training, and Education (HPT&E) Program to ensure continual alignment with Navy- wide S&T strategy and objectives.
· Aug 2006 - Dec 2007: Science and engineering advisor and participant for the NASA Bluesky project, Composing the Right Mix of Humans and Technology for Lunar Surface Exploration, which was led by the Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC) and resulted in the Flexible Roving Exploration Device (FRED) Technical Report and resulting prototypes developed by NASA.
· November 2007 - 2009: As HTIA Director for the Potomac Institute’s Center for Neurotechnology Studies, led team of eminent technical, ethical, legal, and social science experts in efforts to develop guidelines of development, use, and dissemination of neurotechnology; facilitated coordination efforts among Federal Agencies, Government Labs, Academic Institutions and DoD Services for the Decade of the Mind (DOM) and National Neurotechnology Initiatives, leading to established works (e.g., white papers, manifestos, peer-reviewed publications).
06/2000 - 11/2005 DESIGN INTERACTIVE (DI), INC., OVIEDO, FL: [Security Clearance Level, Secret]
One of company’s founding members and Human Factors/Ergonomics & Industrial Engineering/Management R&D consultant, responsible for: external client and stakeholder relationship management, funding strategies, proposal and technical report writing, advanced concepts research and development, user-centered design and prototyping, experimental design and testing, and Usability Engineering for a variety of commercial and military training systems, including web-based, desktop and immersive multimodal systems. Key projects included: PI on OSD SBIR Phase 1: Multi-Modal Visualizations for Virtual Environment Training (OSD02-CR14); successfully transitioned Phase 1 into Phase 2’s Multimodal Information Perceptualization (MIP) for C4ISR Systems project as Engineering/Research Science Advisor; subcontractor for Lockheed-Martin-ATL for Phases 1, 2, and 3 of DARPA's Augmented Cognition (AugCog)-based Improving Warfighter Information Intake Under Stress (IWIIUS) program, while also providing strategic planning, team liaising, and execution strategy advisement to IWIIUS program management; subcontractor for LM-ATL’s Fast Connectivity for Coalition and Agents Project (FastC2AP), focused on extending agent-based technologies developed in DARPA’s Control of Agent Based Systems (CoABS) program, which also involved developing Human Systems Integration (HIS) conceptual designs for supervisory station interfaces initially aimed at directing autonomous agents for an Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW) commander, and; S&T advisor on DARPA’s Cognitive Systems Exploratory Efforts Advanced Multimodal Interfaces (AMI) group.
Conducted research in Human Factors Engineering/Ergonomics and Human-System Integration (HSI), including advanced concepts in multimodal interaction, information visualization and methods for accommodating a diversified set of users in various human-computer interactive settings (e.g., desktop PCs, virtual and augmented environments, military Command & Control (C2), information appliances). This work involved a great deal of time researching the fundamental neural, physiological, and psychological factors that drive multimodal communication, and using accumulated knowledge from these numerous research fields to develop a theoretical framework (Architecture for Multi-Modal Optimization, AMMO) from which multimodal display design guidelines and adaptive automation strategies were derived. In coordination with research sponsors, ONR and DARPA, was able to empirically validate AMMO-derived design guidelines with a simulated weapons control system multitasking environment—a human-centered computing environment that became the flagship Command and Control System operational prototype for DARPA’s IWIIUS Program. Specifically, this research guided the design of the Tactical Tomahawk Weapon Control System (TTWCS) developed by Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Advanced Technology Laboratories (ATL) under the DARPA IWIIUS Program. Dissertation study results demonstrated the utility of AMMO and its ability to provide designers with strategies for directing system design, as well as strategies for dynamic adaptation (i.e., multimodal human performance mitigation strategies) in support of real-time operational performance. Initial research led to securing my first SBIR grant as the Principal Investigator.
One of company’s founding members and lead Human Factors Engineering consultant responsible for: technology development/integration, user-centered web design/development, and traditional desktop HSI initiatives; technical lead on various internet, intranet, and extranet projects for small businesses and multi-million dollar corporations, and; general supervision of the company and contracts, while coordinating, controlling, and participating in the provision of activities and services relating to contract procurement, external client and stakeholder relationship management, information system design, programming & documentation, and data communication. Supported President/CEO, Dr. Peter McAlindon, in another start-up venture [now Blue Orb, Inc.] that focused on developing computer technologies for persons with disabilities.
Contracted as Engineering Research Assistant and later as the Engineering Research Coordinator for Dr. Kay Stanney’s NSF grant. The primary goal of this research grant was to test and validate the feasibility of developing Virtual Environment Re-adaptation Mechanisms (VERM) that accelerate the time course of this re-adaptation. Skills and objectives included: applying traditional and innovative principles of usability engineering and testing and HCI to VEs; continuous research and analysis of the many facets of VEs both directly and indirectly related to said grant, including experimental design; a part-time research/work-collaboration position with the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWC-TSD) Virtual Environment Training Technologies (VETT) program. This wok resulted in numerous cross-disciplinary collaborations and scholarly publications, including my master’s thesis.
04/1995 - 08/1996 IBM, BOCA RATON, FL:
Secured a Ph.D.-level Human Engineering co-op position in the Human Factors/User-Centered Design and Speech Development Groups. Responsibilities and skills included: user interface design and Usability Engineering of speech interfaces, voice recognition software, and telephony products; working closely with Industrial Designers, hardware and software engineering, marketing and customers to ensure ease-of-use; developing and presenting customer needs analyses, product requirements, and prototypes; performing, analyzing and presenting to stakeholders the results of benchmark tests, user-oriented-system-tests (UOST), and multi-factor experimental design tests; determining design change requirements (DCR) and the tracking of their implementation/customer satisfaction for Power PCs, high-end risk-processor systems, and home/office systems, and; researching advanced user interface concepts for potential incorporation into future R&D and end-user commercial products.
Performed Usability Engineering and learnability evaluations of a management information system via: implementation of traditional HCI and UID principles and guidelines; Cognitive Modeling, Task Analysis and Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) involving task decomposition, knowledge based techniques, and entity-relation based analysis, and; learning and execution time analysis based on system storyboards (i.e., utilizing GOMS, NGOMSL, CCT, and KLM models and theories). [This work led to securing a scholarship based on my “Honors in the Major” Undergraduate Thesis proposal, which originated from this industry-academia co-operative project with UCF’s Dr. Kay M. Stanney and RPR Pharmaceuticals.]
National Academy of Sports Medicine [NASM] CPFT [1992], responsible for designing and supervising specialized weight, stabilization, corrective-exercise, aerobic training schedules, and meal plans for each client. Special skills included: biomechanical analysis (postural assessment, motor pattern programming); proprioceptive awareness techniques and static to dynamic movement progress; rehabilitative exercises (weak-link strengthening, active range-of-motion). Also served as a Certified Nutritional Specialist with Nutri-Systems, Inc. (meal planning, support), which included motivational speaking, counseling, and problem-solving with clients.
Select Professional / Collaborative Activities and Awards
Continuing Education & Advanced Training in Holistic & Integrative Medicine Related Topics
Courses include hundreds of hours in topics such as: musculoskeletal and myofascial disorders and injuries and therapeutic interventions; psycho-emotional disorders (e.g., PTSD, addictions, anxiety, depression) and therapeutic interventions; trauma and first-aid therapeutic interventions; yoga, medical massage (e.g., Tui Na), medical Qigong, advanced acupuncture and pulse systems concepts and techniques; Eastern & Western nutrition and herbal medicine; Men’s and Women’s health and fertility; pediatrics (acupuncture/shonishin, herbal medicine, nutrition, and medical massage), and; clinical safety and prevention training for bodyworkers. Specific courses and hours include:
· Yoga Teacher Training Intensive (RYT 200), Byron Yoga Center, Byron Bay, Australia, April (200 hrs)
· Kalish Method 101, online functional medicine lecture series course with The Kalish Institute <http://kalishinstitute.com/> (8 hours) [in process]
· Pediatric Essentials, online oriental medicine training course with Robin Green, L.Ac. <http://www.acupuncturepediatrics.com/> (15 CEUS) [in process]
· Graduate Mentorship Program (GMP) with Sharon Weizenbaum, self-paced on-line program; White Pine Institute <www.whitepineinstitute.org> [in process]
· Beautiful Babies: Nutrition for Fertility, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, & Baby’s First Foods; online nutrition course from <http://www.foodrenegade.com/babies/> based on Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF) principles (12 modules + 20 hrs. video) [in process]
· Certified Myoskeletal Therapist Diploma, self-paced home study & certification program; Freedom From Pain Institute established by Erik Dalton <http://erikdalton.com/> (70+ CE hours) [in process]
· Stop Smoking Practitioner Training, 1 day training at the NZ Heart Foundation, Ellerslie, Auckland, NZ, Thursday, 19th November 2015 (8 hours)
· Mindfulness in a Clinical Context with Dr. Pooja Maddela; seminar held at the South Pacific College of Natural Medicine, Auckland, NZ, 21 March 2015 (3.5 CE hours)
· Battlefield and Rapid Acupuncture Course (+ clinical pearls) with Dr. Richard C. Niemtzow, M.D.; interactive webinar hosted from Washington, D.C., USA, 21-22 Feb (12 PDA points)
· Beautiful Babies: Nutrition for Fertility, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, & Baby’s First Foods; online nutrition course from <http://www.foodrenegade.com/babies/> based on Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF) principles (12 modules + 20 hrs. video) [in process]
· Certified Myoskeletal Therapist Diploma, self-paced home study & certification program; Freedom From Pain Institute established by Erik Dalton <http://erikdalton.com/> [in process]
o Myoskeletal Alignment Posture & Pain Techniques, eCourse (20 CE hours)
o Advanced Myoskeletal Upper Body Techniques, eCourse (20 CE hours)
o Dynamic Body Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques for Low Back, Hip, & Leg Pain, eCourse (32 CE hours)
o The Freedom from Pain Institute (V1E) - Professional Ethics Course, eCourse (2 CE hours)
· Fresh, Fun, and Flavorful in the Funky Kitchen with Sarica Cernohous; 7 module online interactive wholefoods nutrition course based on Weston A. Price Foundation principles, sponsored by Living Wellness, LLC <http://naturallylivingtoday.com/>, Peoria, Arizona, USA, (7 hours + home practice)
· The Evolution of Medicine Summit <http://evolutionofmedicinesummit.com/>, hosted by James Maskell, founder of the Functional Forum in New York, USA; on-line videos of 37 presentations from live events held online 8-15 Sept 2014 (20+ hrs)
· TCM in the treatment of Stress & Anxiety with Cathy Margolin L.Ac, Dipl. OM; webinar sponsored by Five Element TCM Supply Company <www.FiveElementTCM.com>, USA, 4 Dec (1.5 hours)
· RockTape Kinesiology and Power Taping Seminar with physiotherapist Campbell Dixon-McIver, Rocktape NZ, held at USL Medical, Avondale, Auckland, NZ, 29 Nov (7.5 hours)
· Sports Medicine and Musculoskeletal Problems: The Chinese Medicine Approach; webinar with Tyme Gigliotti, Asst. Prof; MUIH <www.muih.edu>, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 18 Nov (1 hour)
· Kinesiology Taping 101 with Dr. Alyson Evans (DC); webinar sponsored by Five Element TCM Supply Company <www.FiveElementTCM.com>, USA, 21 Oct (1.5 hours)
· The Secrets of The Funky Kitchen--How to Prepare Delicious, Wholesome Foods in 30 Minutes or Less a Day! with Sarica Cernohous, webinar sponsored by Living Wellness, LLC <naturallylivingtoday.com/>, Peoria, Arizona, USA, 10 Sept (1 hour)
· Supplemental California Ethics (and Legislative) Review with David Paton; MUIH post-grad elective added post hoc to M.O.M. degree program transcript to meet California Medical Board requirements for board exams eligibility; video course and assignment completed August (2 hours)
· Medical Qigong Therapy Seminar 2014—Clinical Safety and Spirit Protection with Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson; International Institute of Medical Qigong (IIMQ) and Temple of the Celestial Cloud, held in Hollywood, Florida, USA, 27 July (8 hours)
· Medical Qigong Practitioner Program (cont’d) with Dr. Isaac Goren; Tao House Healing Center, Hallendale, Florida, USA:
o Level 5 – Clinical Theater, Internship, and Final Examination (awarded MQP Certification), 20-22, 24 July (30 hours)
o Level 4 – Treatment of Organ Diseases and Medical Qigong Prescription Exercises, 25-29 Apr (30 hours)
o Level 3 – Clinical Foundations of Medical Qigong Therapy, 7-10 Feb, 24 Apr (30 hours)
o Level 2 – Introduction to Medical Qigong Treatment Protocol, one-on-one intensive, 3-5 Feb (25 hours)
· Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation with Michelle Gellis L.Ac.; webinar sponsored by Five Element TCM Supply Company <www.FiveElementTCM.com>, USA, 20 June (1.5 hours)
· Electrical and Warmed Acupuncture (E-Stim) and Scalp Acupuncture with Dr. Heming Zhu. A condensed one-on-one workshop, with emphasis on stroke, paralysis, and musculoskeletal issues treated with E-stim; Wellnessiology Institute, Columbia, Maryland, USA, 5 June (2 hours)
· Clinical Observation/Shadowing with Jen Resnick; Soho Herbs & Acupuncture clinic, New York, NY, USA, 29 May (5 hours)
· GMP-1: Clarifying Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine with Sharon Weizenbaum; first weekend of 2 yr Graduate Mentorship Program (GMP); White Pine Institute <www.whitepineinstitute.org>, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, 23-25 May (18 PDAs)
· Channel Divergences/Jing Bie with Evan Rabinowitz, Columbia, Maryland, USA, 17-18 May (13 PDA points)
· Western herbs from TCM Perspective with Thomas Garran; webinar sponsored by Five Element TCM Supply Company <www.FiveElementTCM.com>, USA, 30 April (1.5 hours)
· Organ Regulating Qi Gong and Tui Na (an integrated and systematic approach with Qi Gong, self-cultivation, anatomy, hand techniques and treatments) with Tom Bisio & Frank Butler; Zheng Gu Tui Na group, NY, NY, USA, 29-30 March (15 PDA pts)
· Blood Borne Pathogens Training with Jen Yokum; yearly training course required for acupuncture practitioners in residency at MUIH, Laurel, MD, USA, Mar 2014 (2 hours)
· Opening the Shoulders with Somatic Freedom Technique with Kevin Mutschler; ProHealing Seminars, Takoma Park, Maryland, USA, 23 March (7.5 PDA points)
· The Luo Vessels with Evan Rabinowitz; Columbia, Maryland, USA, 25-27 Jan (13 PDA points)
· Graduate Mentorship Program with Evan Rabinowitz (Year 1), Columbia, Maryland, USA:
o Sinew Channels review session and practice treatments, Washington, D.C. clinic, 24 Oct (3 hours)
o Sinew Channels, 7-8 Sept (13 PDA points)
o Overview of the Channel Systems of Acupuncture & the Relationship to Herbal Medicine, 20-21 July (13 PDA points)
· Advanced Acupuncture with Jeffrey Yuen; Chinatown Wellness Center, New York, NY, USA, One year Post-Graduate Program, completed 22 Dec (110 hours total):
o Clinical Implications of the Channels & Collaterals, 2-3 Nov (11 PDA points)
o Constitutional Energetics II, 19-20 Oct (11 PDA points)
o Constitutional Energetics I, 21-22 Sept (11 PDA points)
o Primary Channels III, 8-9 June (11 PDA points)
o Primary Channels II, 11-12 May (11 PDA points)
o Primary Channels I, 20-21 April (11 PDA points)
o Influence of Alchemy, Religion, & Ritual, 2-3 March (11 PDA points)
o Early Acupuncture, 16-17 Feb (11 PDA points)
o Overview of the History of Chinese Acupuncture, 5-6 Jan (11 PDA points)
· Classical Tui Na Curriculum (cont’d) (an integrated and systematic approach with Qi Gong, self-cultivation, anatomy, hand techniques and treatments); Zheng Gu Tui Na group, New York, NY, USA:
o Tui Na Level 4: Treatment of Internal Conditions with Jen Resnick; 16-17 Nov (17 PDA points)
o Tui Na Level 3: Conditions of the Lower Limb with Jen Resnick; 13-15 Sept (17 hours) [course repeated for review]
· Medical Qigong Practitioner Program with Dr. Isaac Goren (in accordance with the recommendation of the faculty of the International Institute of Medical Qigong (IIMQ), founded by Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson); Tao House Healing Center, Hallendale, Florida, USA <SEE: http://tao-house.com/medical-qigong/medical-qigong-certification-program/>:
o Level 1 -- Introduction to Medical Qigong, 5 day intensive, 27 Sep – 1 Oct (30 hours)
· Five Element Qigong from Mount Wudang (Parts I and II) with Master Kedi Pan; webinar sponsored by eLotus <http://www.elotus.org/>, USA, June (16 hours)
· Acupuncture Case Study Support Class with Ann Cecil-Sterman; Classical Wellness Center, New York, NY, USA, 7 June (1 hour)
· Scalp Acupuncture Therapy with Dr. Heming Zhu; Wellnessiology Institute, Columbia, Maryland, USA, 18 May (4 hours)
· Treating Children with Oriental Medicine (including Shoni-shin, acupuncture, and herbs) with Soma Glick; Won Institute of Graduate Studies, Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA, 4 May (7.5 PDA points)
· Treating Children with Herbs with Soma Glick; Won Institute of Graduate Studies, Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA, 3 May (7.5 PDA points)
· Mentor/Study group sessions with Diane Gioioso (cont’d); Columbia, Maryland, USA, 24 Jan and 28 Feb (5 hours):
o Revisiting Fu Ke / Gynecology and Chan Ke / Obstetrics (diagnosis and acupuncture, herbal and nutritional treatment approaches for concerns from fertility through post-partum)
· Culinary Herbalism Course (including Western, Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal remedies) with K.P. Khalsa; A 10 Module self-paced online and home practice course from < http://learningherbs.com/ > (20 hours)
· Blood Borne Pathogens Training with Star Fergusson; yearly training course required for acupuncture practitioners in residency at MUIH, Laurel, MD, USA, Jan 2013 (2 hours)
· Journey of Qi in the Body Beyond the Primary Meridians—Deep & Secondary Pathways with Heidi Most; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, audit elective class in fall semester Sep – Nov (18 hours)
· Mentor/Study group sessions with Diane Gioioso (notes and interpretations from her studies with Jeffrey Yuen); Columbia, Maryland, USA, 31 May, 28 June, 26 July, 23 Aug, 20 Sep, 18 Oct, and 29 Nov (20+ hours), key topics included:
o Classical Dynamic Pulse Reading (and diagnostic indications)
o Chinese Herbal Formulas for Acute and Everyday Applications (formulas to keep on the shelf)
o Fu Ke / Gynecology and Chan Ke / Obstetrics (including differential diagnosis and acupuncture, herbal and nutritional treatment approaches for matters from fertility through post-partum)
o Pediatrics (including acupuncture, herbal and nutritional treatment approaches for most common childhood ailments)
o Face and Teeth Physiognomy and Mian Xiang / Face Reading
· Cadaver Dissection 101: A Lab for Physical Medicine Practitioners with Frank Butler; Zheng Gu Tui Na group in cooperation with the New York Chiropractic College (NYCC) and Finger Lakes School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) at NYCC, Seneca Falls, NY, USA, 26 Oct (7 PDA points)
· Classical Tui Na Curriculum with the Zheng Gu Tui Na (ZGTN) group in New York, NY, USA. The ZGTN approach to diagnosis and treatment is based on an older model of Chinese medicine, which integrates Qi Gong, self-cultivation, anatomy, physiology, hand techniques and treatments into extremely effective treatment modules that can be used immediately in a clinical setting either alone or in conjunction with other modalities (e.g., acupuncture, herbs):
o Tui Na Level 3: Conditions of the Lower Limb with Jen Resnick; 28-30 Sept (17 PDA points)
o Tui Na Level 2: Conditions of the Upper Limb with Jen Resnick; 13-15 April (17 PDA points)
o Tui Na Level 1: Full-Body Regulatory Treatment with Jen Resnick; 20-22 Jan (17 PDA points)
· Classical Pulse Taking (including dynamic pulses and hands-on diagnosis & treatment strategies for Primary, Sinew, Divergent, and 8 Extra Channels) with Ann Cecil-Sterman; private workshop organized for MUIH Herbal Medicine Program students, Columbia, Maryland, USA, 21-22 April (14 hours)
· Advanced Training Program in Acupuncture with Jack Daniel; The Whole Circle, Columbia, Maryland, USA, 2 of 6 sessions completed in April (3 PDA points)
· Advanced Pulse Diagnosis Training Program in Acupuncture with Jack Daniel; The Whole Circle, Columbia, Maryland, USA, 11 March (6 PDA points)
· Core Zero Balancing 1 with Celeste Homan and Elliot Abhau; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, spring semester Feb - Mar (first half only for hands-on practice/review, 12 hours)
· Review Course--National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) Exams with Heidi Most; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, spring semester Jan-April (first half only for review, 15 hours)
· Oriental Medicine Pediatrics & Obstetrics with Lab with Soma Glick; 8 day intensive and hands-on supervised clinic treating locals with Shoni-Shin, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy qigong, and tui-na, Bali, Indonesia, 3-11 April (22 PDA points)
· Nourishing our Children: Timeless Principles for Supporting Learning, Behavior and Health through Optimal Nutrition. A learning project of the San Francisco, California chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF, westonaprice.org); self-paced e-learning and training program from <http://www.nourishingourchildren.org/> (10 hrs)
· Blood Borne Pathogens Training with Star Fergusson; yearly training course required for acupuncture practitioners in residency at MUIH, Laurel, MD, USA, Jan 2012 (2 hours)
· Building, Managing, and Marketing Your Practice with Robert Notter and Rose Payne; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 19-20 Nov (12 CEUs)
· 9-11 10th Anniversary Healing and Remembrance Program; self-guided training for volunteers (topics included: Coping with Anniversaries and Trigger Events, Staying Clean and Sober for the Anniversary of 9-11, Talking with Children about the September 11th Anniversary, Appropriate Language and Behavior), August (2 hours)
· Applying the Balance Method to Five Element Practice with Tyme Gigliotti; SourcePoint Health, Ellicott City, Maryland, USA, 26 June (8 hours/PDA points)
· The Spirit of the Points of the Twelve Ordinary Acupuncture Meridians with Debra Kaatz; video of course held at Crossings: A Center for the Healing Traditions, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA on 23 May (4 hrs)
· The Eight Extraordinary Meridians & Spirit of the Points with Debra Kaatz; video of course held at Crossings: A Center for the Healing Traditions, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA on 22 May (4 hrs)
· Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) Clean Needle Technique (CNT) course (with practical exam); Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 15 May (8 hours)
· Supporting Fertility and Early Pregnancy (through the lens of Chinese Medicine) with Kaiya Larson; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 30 April – 1 May (12 CEU hours)
· Color, Sound, Odor, and Emotion (CSOE) Carnival with Niki Bilton; workshop held at Your Prescription for Health, Owings Mills, Maryland, USA and sponsored by Ongiara College of Acupuncture & Moxibustion in partnership with TendingShen Corporation, 19-21 April (20 hours)
· Review Course--National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) Exams with Heidi Most; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, spring semester Jan-April (30 hours)
· Emotional and Spiritual Healing in Chinese Medicine: Virtue Healing by Restoring Human Nature with Dr. Liu Lihong (Mandarin Chinese, translated into English by Dr. Heiner Fruehauf); MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 20-21 Nov (9 CEUs)
· Health Qigong Tai Chi Training and Cultural Exchange Tour with Master Faye Yip and Master Tary Yip of Deyin Taijiquan Institute of Great Britain. Learning and practicing various Tai Chi and Qigong forms (e.g., Simplified 24 Tai Chi, Yi Jin Jing, Ba Duan Jin) in various cultural landmarks and educational facilities throughout China, 7-24 October (2.5 weeks)
· Energetic Physiology of the Primary Meridians with Celeste Homan (interpretations from Jeffrey Yuen’s Advanced Acupuncture course); MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, fall semester 29 Sep – 8 Dec (30 CEUs)
· Classical Chinese Medical Literature: Nan Jing with Jeffrey Yuen; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 15 July (part 2, 8 hours)
· Mentor/Study group sessions on classical dynamic pulse reading with Celeste Homan (interpretations from her studies with Jeffrey Yuen); Columbia, Maryland, USA, May & July 2010 (4 hours)
· Deepening Perspectives on Pulse Diagnosis with Lonny Jarrett; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 20-21 March (12 CEU hours)
· Acupuncture Futures and the AAAOM—the Political and Legislative Landscape with Michael Taromina, Esq; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 13 March (3 hours)
· What Can We Really Know? Scientific Knowledge and Our Experience of Reality. Lecture and conversation with physicist Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr regarding lessons of quantum physics and the shifts in our world view they suggest; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 2 March (2 hours)
· Integrating CAM into Hospital Systems: Challenges and Opportunities with David Mercier; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 25 July (4 CE hours)
· Zero Balancing I with Dr. Fritz Smith; MUIH, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 28-31 May (25 CE hours)
· Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & Bodywork I Workshop with Angela McConnell; QiRei, LLC Integrative Health Services, Woodbridge, VA, USA, 25 April (6 CE hours)
Teaching (Classes, Workshops, and Programs)
Reeves Butler, L. M. (March 2016 – Present). QiYoga and Yin Yoga– seamlessly blended classes incorporating Qigong and Ashtanga Yoga principles into static or very gentle flow poses focused on postural alignment, balance, Qi/Prana flow and restoring energy in all positions from prone/supine to standing. Classes are modifiable for beginners-intermediate-advanced as needed.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (July 2015 – Jan 2016). MS101: Foundational Sciences for Natural Therapies (Anatomy & Physiology I). Lead Tutor (Instructor), 6 hours/week at Wellpark College, Grey Lynn, Auckland.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (July 2015 – Dec 2016). Introduction to Chinese Medicine and Energetics. Invited Lecturer, 6-hour short course at Wellpark College, Grey Lynn, Auckland, NZ. Course includes hands-on, interactive diagnostic and treatment examples using TCM and 5-Element theory and methods, as applied to acupuncture, herbal medicine, qigong and/or food therapy as per audience requirements.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (Feb 2015-present). Yin & Yang Wellness Qigong. 30 minute and Hourly classes developed for the general public and my existing patients; classes are taught as stand-alone and as a program series for group exercise and theory classes from introductory to advanced levels. CPD approved with NZASA for the 8-week hourly program series format.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2015 - present). Spirit of the Points. One- and half-day training for acupuncture (eastern and western) and acupressure practitioners which focuses on the symbolism of individual acupuncture point names and how the quality of an acupuncture point and its function(s) is metaphorically embedded in its name.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2015-present). Integrating Classical Tuina Techniques into Your Practice. One- and half-day training for medical (eastern or western) practitioners based on my Classical Tuina Certification training with the Zheng Gu Tui Na group in NYC, USA and my experiences with effectively integrating it with 5 Element, 8 Principle, Classical Chinese, and Japanese acupuncture techniques.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2015-present). NZ-ADA (New Zealand Acupuncture Detox Applications). One- and two-day training for practitioners in New Zealand based on my work as an Acu-Detox Specialist (ADS) with NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) in the USA and Battlefield (BFA) acupuncture training with its inventor, Dr. Richard Niemtzow. This training course and its clinical applications are modifiable for various focuses (e.g., PTSD; acute & chronic pain issues; acute & chronic stress issues; adrenal fatigue; sleep disorders; alcohol, prescription/recreational drugs, and/or food addictions/dependencies).
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2014-present). Acupuncture—How a Poke or Two is Good for You! Classes developed for introductory talks on acupuncture in general and with a 5 Element acupuncture focus if requested. Classes are modifiable for teaching as a program series to either clinicians or the layperson and from introductory to advanced levels, including treatment planning.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2014-present). The 5 Elements— Applications for Acupuncture Practitioners. One- and two-day short courses based on my 5 Element practice experience and training at MUIH [formerly TAI SOPHIA Institute]. Course is also modifiable for teaching as a program series for group classes from introductory to advanced levels.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2014-present). Shonishin 1/2 Day Training Workshop for Practitioners. Developed based on an integration of my work and experience with Dr. Soma Devi Glick (and from Miki Shima lineage) and my Zheng Gu Tuina & Medical Qigong Training.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2014-present). Shonishin 1/2 Day Training Workshop for Non-Practitioners/Parents. Developed based on an integration of my work and experience with Dr. Soma Devi Glick (and from the Miki Shima lineage) and my Zheng Gu Tuina and Medical Qigong training.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2014-present). 5 Element Medical Qigong. Hourly classes developed for my existing patients, which are modifiable for teaching to the public as a program series for group exercise and/or theory classes and from introductory to advanced levels.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2012-present). Yin Yang & 5 Elements—A Template for Balance in Nature & in Your Life. Hourly classes developed for my existing patients and modifiable for teaching as a program series for group wellness classes from introductory to advanced levels. Course provides recognizable and easy-to-follow models and examples, which can be used as guidance for how to live by the laws of nature and its seasons and thus thrive in life.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2009-present). Bioscience guest lecturing on various topics (e.g., Wellness Physiology, Anatomy and Physiology, Eastern and Western Approaches to Understanding Human Physiology, Neurophysiology and Technology, Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine). Adjunct Faculty in Integrative Health Sciences, MUIH in Laurel, MD.
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2009-2014). Fundamentals of Human Physiology. Adjunct Faculty in Integrative Health Sciences, MUIH in Laurel, MD.
Hale, K., Reeves, L. M., Stanney, K. M. (2005). Multimodal Interaction Design. Short Course presented at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Reeves, L. M. (2000-2005). Short course on Visual Basic taught during various semesters as part of the HCI/Usability Engineering curriculum courses in UCF’s IEMS Dept.
Reeves, L. M. (2000-2005). Guest lecturer and teaching assistant for HCI and Usability Engineering courses in UCF’s IEMS Dept.
Reeves, L. M., Stanney, K. M., Hale, K., Samman, S. (2004). Multimodal Interaction Design, with Augmented Cognition Performers as special guest speakers. Short Course presented for CEU credit at I/ITSEC 2004, Orlando, FL, Dec 6th.
Reeves, L. M., Stanney, K. M.,& Hale, K. (2005). Multimodal Interaction Design and Virtual Environments. Short Course presented at HCI/VR International, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 22nd.
Reeves, L. M., Stanney, K. M., Hale, K., Samman, S. (2004). Multimodal Interaction Design. Short Course presented for CEU credit at I/ITSEC 2004, Orlando, FL, Dec 6th.
Reeves, L. M., Stanney, K. M., & Hale, K. (2005). Multimodal Interaction Design. Workshop presented at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Schmorrow, D., Stanney, K., Reeves, L. M., Hale, K. K., Samman, S. and Buff, W. (2003). Multimodal Interaction Design. Tutorial given at HCII2003, Crete, Greece, June 22nd. [Lead lecturer; course designer]
Key Professional and Collaborative Projects
· Invited speaker and mentor for University of Auckland’s Women in Engineering Group [Mar 2015-2016]
· Assistant Clinical Supervisor to Dr. Soma Devi Glick for her 10 day Intensive Workshop on Pediatrics & Women's Health, Bali, Indonesia (http://somadevi.com/workshops/) [Dec 2013]
· Participant in Deyin Taijiquan Institute’s Health Qigong Tai Chi Training & Cultural Exchange tour in China, organized by Master Faye Yip and Master Tary Yip; Awarded 1 Duan Technical Degree Certificate from the Chinese Health Qigong Association in Beijing, China [19 Oct 2010)
· Co-PI for Tai Sophia Institute [Now MUIH] research study investigating the effects of rosemary on cognitive function; funded by McCormick Science Institute (MSI) (http://www.mccormickscienceinstitute.com/) [2009-2010]
· Editorial Review Board for ACI, IJHCI, JCEDM and ASEM 2007 Special Supplements on Augmented Cognition, and various technical books [2006-2010]
· Coordinated efforts among Federal Agencies, Government Labs, Academic Institutions and DoD Services for the Decade of the Mind (DOM) and National Neurotechnology Initiatives; DOM Steering Committee member [2007-2009]
· Co-founder and Technical Chair of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Augmented Cognition Technical Group (AC-TG), responsible for fostering domestic and international scientific exchange and collaboration and designating outstanding innovators each year. [July 2007-2009]
· Editor, HFES AC-TG Semi-Annual Newsletter [2007-2009]
· Consultant/Advisor for Sandia National Labs’ Project: A Surety Engineering Framework to Reduce the Risk of Development and Operational Use of Cognitive Systems [2007-2009]
· Chaired a discussion panel session titled New Kids on the Block: Multidimensional Perspectives on Augmented Cognition at the HFES 52nd Annual Meeting in NYC, NY [Sep 2008]
· Organized, Chaired, and presented for an Augmented Cognition special interest group panel session on AugCog-Enabled Research and Applications at the 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFEI) in Las Vegas, NV [July 2008]
· Editor, Augmented Cognition International (ACI) Quarterly Newsletter; ACI Society Executive Director [2006-2008]
· Collaborated with CDR Dylan Schmorrow and Dr. Kay M. Stanney to organize the 1st ACI conference, held in Las Vegas, NV; Directed and coordinated all content for the next 3 ACI International Conferences for CDR Schmorrow [2005-2008]
· Co-founded the Augmented Cognition Technical Group (AC-TG) within HFES [2007]
· Co-organized numerous workshops and Principal Investigator meetings and co-authored numerous vision, strategy, and program planning documents and briefs for the ONR Code 30 Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Dept’s Human Performance, Training, and Education (HPT&E) program and the ONR Code 34 Virtual Training and Environments (VIRTE) program [2005-2007]
· Organized, coordinated, and presented for an Augmented Cognition special interest group panel session on Human Performance, Training and Education Science for Enhanced Infantry Capabilities at the 2007 Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA [May 2007]
· CIRCUA (Collaborative International Research Centre for Universal Access) International Workshop series Working Group invited member: http://www.eis.mdx.ac.uk/research/CIRCUA/ [2007-2008]
· Invited participant for Sandia National Labs 2 day cognitive-neurotech/human factors workshop at St. Petersburg State University (SPSU) in Russia in conjunction with SPSU’s 100 year anniversary of B.G. Ananiev’s founding of SPSU; presented An overview of current research & development in augmented cognition: national and international endeavors [Oct 2007]
· Co-developed ONR Code 30’s HPT&E Thrust Strategy and S&T Objectives (STOs) and it’s 2007 Campaign Plan [2006 & 2007]
· Invited participant in ONR Human Performance Training and Education (HPT&E) 5 Year S&T Strategy Planning Workshop (18 July 2006), resulting in co-authorship of HPT&E S&T Investment Plan document and program brief submitted to George Solhan, ONR Code 30 Division Director [Sep 2006]
· Invited participant in the Naval Research Advisory Council (NRAC) Distributed Operations (DO) Summer Study; co-presented the ONR Code 30 Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Dept’s Human Performance, Training, and Survivability program to the DO Summer Study committee [Apr 2006]
· Invited participant in “Mitigation Strategies” panel and facilitated 2 mitigation strategies workshops and white paper sessions at the Phase 3 Kickoff and Technical Interchange Meeting for DARPA’s Improving Warfighter Information Intake Under Stress (AugCog) Program, Chantilly, VA, 3rd March [Mar 2005]
· Invited participant in technical interchange meetings with the National Security Agency (NSA) and UCF’s Institute for Simulation and Training (IST) regarding advanced engineering design concepts in HSI/HCI for NSA analysts [2005-2006]
· Human Factors Engineering/Ergonomics advisement for ARI projects involving John Blitch Solutions, Inc. and Anthrotronix, Inc., focused on human robot interfaces and personnel selection for specialized operators in robot-assisted crisis assessment teams for FEMA / DHS [Jan 2005]
· Invited participant in UCF Leadership Enhancement Program (8 hour professional development course) [2004]
· Invited by Yvette Tanious of DOD Human-Systems Integration (HIS) team to participate in benchmark and follow-on human performance metrics studies during “ship at sea” tours (shipboard offer timed out due to schedule/security conflicts) [2006]
· Invited participant and session chair for workshop on "Information Flow in Command and Control" sponsored by LCDR Dylan Schmorrow (DARPA/ONR) in Arlington, VA [22-23 July 2004]
· Invited participant with organizers Sharon Oviatt and Jim Larson, in closed-door workshop on "Principles for Multimodal User Interface Design" at CHI '03 (Ft. Lauderdale, FL); resulted in lead authorship of resulting article published in the Communications of the ACM [Apr 2003]
· Invited participant in DARPA Cognitive Systems Exploratory Efforts Advanced Multimodal Interfaces (AMI) working groups; Workshop Facilitator for July 2002 meetings [Jun 2002-2004]
· Invited participant with RAVES (formerly the Immersion Facility) at UCF as part of collaborative activities leveraging ONR-funded dissertation research [Jun 2002 - Dec 2003]
· Invited participant in poster presentations for ONR's VIRTE and DARPA's AugCog program meetings [July 2002]
· Invited participant in the HCI Int’l Conference’s closed-door session on “Content Preparation and Management for the Web” sponsored by Siemens; resulted in a collaborative IJHCI journal publication [July 2001]
· Invited participant for presenting dissertation research at annual TAG meeting at NAWC-TSD, Orlando, FL [Feb 2000]
· Invited participant in the VRAIS closed-door workshop on Perceptual User Interfaces [Summer 2000]
· Invited participant in the 1998 HCI Int’l Conference’s closed-panel session on "Aftereffects and sense of presence in VEs: Formulation of a research and development agenda" sponsored by the Life Sciences Division at NASA Headquarters; was acting secretary; resulted in a collaborative IJHCI journal publication [July 1998]
Select Service / Societies
· Provide free introductory talks/workshops on general wellness and CAM/Integrative Medicine topics, including mind-body science and mindfulness, nature-based philosophies of eastern medicine and a yin/yang model of living a balanced life, and specific treatment modalities people can use on their own for preventive maintenance and self-care [2012-present]
· Provide free and donation-only acupuncture/tuina/qigong treatments and QiYoga exercises to patients with severe financial hardships [Dec 2011-present]
· Provide free career consultancy and mentorship to colleagues and students (Engineering, Medical, etc.) [1999-present]
· Indonesia community medical clinic w/ Soma Devi Glick: providing volunteer Asian medicine treatment to local Balinese [Dec 2013, April 2012]
· Organized numerous learning and training events for local acupuncture students and colleagues, Maryland area [2009-2013]
· MUIH (formerly Tai Sophia Inst.): member, Information Research and Scholarship Committee [2011-2012]
· Provided free Chinese medicine pulse reading, therapeutic touch, and wellness sessions to assisted living residents/patients in various facilities, including Sunrise Arlington, Bluemont Park, and The Jefferson in Arlington, VA [2011-2012], and; The Village at Rockville in Rockville, Maryland [2012-2013]
· 9-11 10th Anniversary Healing & Remembrance Program [Mental Health Assoc. - NYC]: Helped organize and run community auricular acupuncture sessions for local military veterans, their families and friends in Crystal City, Virginia [Sept 2011]
· MUIH: Community Health Initiative (CHI) acupuncture intern and volunteer, including Living Well With Cancer (LWWC) volunteer clinical rotation and NADA auricular services at Penn North Recovery Center in Baltimore, Maryland [2010-2011]
· Public Health Nursing Week volunteer acupuncturist: as a Tai Sophia Institute student in partnership with the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON), provided community acupuncture services using NADA protocol to the faculty, staff, and students of JHUSON in Baltimore, Maryland [April 7th, 2010]
· Co-founder and manager of a Free Auricular Acupuncture Clinic for military servicemen and women and their families (http://www.wellnesswithleah.com/free-group-acupuncture) [2009-2010]
· Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team-in-Training: cycling associate and participant via the Floridaracing.net charity cycling team formerly of Orlando, FL [2000-2004]
· Prof. Societies: NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association), Yoga Alliance, WAPF (Weston A. Price Foundation), Alpha Pi Mu (Industrial Engineering Honor Society), Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society), Order of the Engineer; Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF.org) [Doctors without Borders] & Environmental Working Group (EWG.org) monthly donor [2013-present]; NZIA (NZ Institute of Acupuncture) [2015-2016]; MAS (Maryland Acupuncture Society) [2012-2014]; HFES (Human Factors & Ergonomics Society) [inactive since 2012]; IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers) [inactive since 2012]; AAOM (American Association of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine) student member [2009-2011]; NSCA (National Strength & Conditioning Association) student member [2011-12]
Select Honors / Awards
· UCF College of Engineering ACM Doctoral Dissertation Competition Nominee [2007]
· ONR Ph.D. fellow (Initial research proposal led to securing my first SBIR grant as the Principal Investigator) [2000-2005]
· Boeing Graduate Scholarship [2003-2004]
· “Doctoral Spotlight” grantee for International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI) [2004]
· NSF Undergraduate & Masters Fellow [1995-1999]
· Florida Engineering Society (FES) scholarship; "Outstanding Graduating Senior” & Kersten Fellowship awards for UCF IEMS Department [1997]
· Florida Undergraduate Scholarship, Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honorary, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honorary [1990-1995]
· Alpha Pi Mu Honorary & student chapter Secretary [Spring 1995]
· “Best Technical Paper and Presentation” for: Reeves, L. M., Tyree, T., Penafiel, C., and Koll, L. The Three-Dimensional Head-Mounted Display and System Requirements, submitted to Janet Weisenford-Healy for the NAWC-TSD second annual Technology Transfer Honors Seminar Competition [1994]
· Disney Dreamers and Doers Award; Florida Academic Scholar; National Honor Society; Navy Honors Program Certificate of Excellence; FL Dept. of Education Excellence in Mathematics Award; USNMA National Mathematics Award; Presidential Academic Fitness Award [1989]
· Florida Future Problem Solving Bowl invited participant [1987]
Schmorrow, D. D., Stanney, K. M., (Eds.) & Reeves, L. M (Assoc. Ed). (2008). Augmented Cognition: A Practitioner’s Guide. Santa Monica, CA: HFES Publications.
Schmorrow, D. D., Nicholson, D. M., Drexler, J. M., & Reeves, L. M. (Eds.) (2007). Foundations of Augmented Cognition (4th Ed.). Arlington, VA: Strategic Analysis, Inc.
Schmorrow, D. D. & Reeves, L. M. (2007). Foundations of Augmented Cognition (3rd Ed.). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Schmorrow, D. D., Stanney, K. M., & Reeves, L. M. (Eds.) (2006). Foundations of Augmented Cognition (2nd Ed.): Augmented Cognition: Past, Present, and Future. Arlington, VA: Strategic Analysis, Inc.
Book Chapters
Jeannotte, A., Reeves, L., Schiller, K., DeRenzo, E., McBride, D. (2010). Neurotechnology as a public good (pp. 302-320). In James J. Giordano & Bert Gordijn (eds.), Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics. Cambridge University Press.
Schmorrow, D.D., Muller, P.B., Kobus, D.A., Van Orden, K., Reeves, L., Rossi, K.A. (2008). Modeling and Augmenting Cognition: Supporting Optimal Individual Warfighter Human Performance (Ch. 55). In V.G. Duffy (Ed), Handbook of Digital Human Modeling: Research for Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering. Boca Raton, FL: T&F/CRC Press.
Schmorrow, D. D., Kruse, A., Reeves, L. M., Bolton, A. (2007). Augmenting cognition in HCI: 21st century adaptive system science and technology. In Jacko & Sears (Eds) Handbook of Human Computer Interaction.
Pengelly, A., Snow, J., Mills S.Y., Scholey, A., Wesnes, K & Butler, L.R. (2012). Short-term study on the effects of rosemary on cognitive function in an elderly population. J. Medicinal Food. 15(1):10-7.
Schmorrow, D. & Reeves, L. (2007). 21st century human-system computing: Augmented cognition for improved human performance. In M. Russo, D. Schmorrow & M. Thomas (Eds.), Operational Applications of Cognitive Performance Enhancement Technologies: A Special Supplement of Aviation, Space, Environmental Medicine, 78(5), B7-B11.
Stanney, K., Samman, S., Reeves, L., Hale, K.S., Buff, W., Bowers, C., Goldiez, B., Nicholson, D., & Lackey, S. (2004). A paradigm shift in interactive computing: Deriving multimodal design principles from behavioral and neurological foundations, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 17(2), 229–257.
Stanney, K.M., Mollaghasemi, M., Reeves, L., Breaux, R., & Graeber, D.A. (2003). Usability engineering of virtual environments (VEs): Identifying multiple criteria that drive effective VE system design. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 58(4), 447-481.
Proctor, R. W., Vu, K.-P. L., Salvendy, G., Reeves, L. M. & 18 other authors (2002). Content preparation and management for Web design: Eliciting, structuring, searching, and displaying information. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJCHI), 14, 25-92.
Stanney, K.M., Salvendy, G., Deisigner, J., DiZio, P., Ellis, S., Ellison, E., Fogleman, G., Gallimore, J., Hettinger, L., Kennedy, R., Lackner, J., Lawson, B., Maida, J., Mead, A., Mon-Williams, M., Newman, D., Piantanida, T., Reeves, L., Riedel, O., Singer, M., Stoffregen, T., Wann, J., Welch, R., Wilson, J., Witmer, B. (1998). Aftereffects and sense of presence in virtual environments: Formulation of a research and development agenda. Report sponsored by the Life Sciences Division at NASA Headquarters. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 10(2), 135-187.
Refereed Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Reeves, L.M. & Jeannotte, A. (2008). Guidelines for the Use of Neurotechnology and AugCog Systems. Panel presentation for Special Interest Group Panel 2: AugCog-Enabled Research and Applications. 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFEI), Las Vegas, Nevada, July 14-17.
Reeves, L. M. (2007). State-of-the-Art in Cognitive Performance Enhancement Technologies. Panel presentation for special session on Augmented Cognition. Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 13-16.
Reeves, L. & Schmorrow, D. (2007, May). An overview of current research & development in augmented cognition: national and international endeavors. Brief prepared for Human Factors Workshop, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. Presented by Schmorrow.
Reeves, L. & Schmorrow, D. (2007). Augmented cognition and human performance research requirements in operational environments: policies, developments, applications and demands for the future. Briefing and video presentation prepared for Assistant Secretary of the Navy’s Human Sciences Research (HSR) Conference at National Defense University, Washington, D.C. [June, Presented by D. Schmorrow].
Reeves, L. & Schmorrow, D. (2007). Augmented cognition foundations and future directions—Enabling “Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere” applications. Published in Universal Access Proceedings Volume of HCII 2007.
Reeves, L., Schmorrow, D., & Stanney, K. (2007). Augmented cognition and cognitive state assessment technology – Near-term, mid-term, and long-term research objectives. In D. Schmorrow & L. Reeves (Eds.) Foundations of Augmented Cognition, 3rd Edition (pp. 220-228). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
Reeves, L., Stanney, K., Axelsson, P. & Schmorrow, D (2007). Near-term, Mid-term, and Long-term Research Objectives for Augmented Cognition: (a) Robust Controller Technology and (b) Mitigation Strategies. In D. Schmorrow, D. Nicholson, J. Drexler, and L. Reeves (Eds). Foundations of Augmented Cognition, 4th Edition (pp. 282-290), Strategic Analysis, Inc.: Arlington, VA.
Stripling, R., Cole, A., Afergan, D., Barnes, R.L., Rossi, K.A., Reeves, L.M., & Schmorrow, D.D. (2007). Automated SAF Adaptation Tool (ASAT). In D. Schmorrow & L. Reeves (Eds.) Foundations of Augmented Cognition, 3rd Edition (pp. 346-353). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
Schmorrow, D.S., Reeves, L. M., Bolton, A. (2006). 21st century human systems integration: augmented cognition for improved defense readiness. Paper and video presentation at The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) Human Resources and Performance Group (HUM) Human Systems Integration (HSI) Symposium “The Science and Practice of HSI for Defence Systems,” Russell, Canberra, Australia, May 4-5.
Berka, C., Levendowski, D. J., Davis, G., Lumicao, M. N., Ramsey, C. K., Stanney, K. M, Reeves, L. M., Tremoulet, P. D., & Harkness-Regli, S. (2005). EEG Indices Distinguish Spatial and Verbal Working Memory Processing: Implications for Real-Time Monitoring in a Closed-Loop Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Simulation. In Dylan D. Schmorrow (Ed.), Foundations of Augmented Cognition (pp. 405-413), Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Berka, C., Levendowski, D. J., Ramsey, C. K., Davis, G., Lumicao, M. N., Stanney, K., Reeves, L., Regli, S. H., Tremoulet, P. D. & Stibler, K. (2005). Evaluation of an EEG-workload model in the Aegis simulation environment. Proceedings of SPIE, 5797, 90-99.
Hale, K., Reeves, L. M., Samman, S., Axelsson, P., & Stanney, K. M. (2005). Validation of predictive workload component of the multimodal information design support (MIDS) system. The 49th Annual Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Meeting. Orlando, FL, September 26-30.
Reeves, L.M., Ahmad, A., & Stanney, K.M., (2005). Assessing influences of verbal and spatial ability on multimodal C2 task performance. In D.D. Schmorrow (Ed.). Foundations of augmented cognition (pp. 33-39). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Dalton, J., Ahmad, A., Stanney, K. M., Reeves, L. M. (2004). Command and Control Resource Performance Predictor (C2RP2), demo presentation. The 6th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), State College, PA, October 14-15.
Reeves, L. M., (2004). Determining Efficient Multimodal Information-Interaction Spaces for C2 Systems. Doctoral Spotlight poster presentation given at Sixth International Conference of Multimodal Interfaces(ICMI), State College, PA, Oct. 14-15.
Hale, K., Samman, S., Buff, W., Stanney, K.M., Reeves, L., & Bowers, C. (2003). Multimodal, multitask interaction design: Challenging long-standing unimodal design assumptions. The 47th Annual Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Meeting. Denver, CO, October 13-17.
Stanney, K., Reeves, L., Samman, S., Kingdon, K., & Buff, W. (2003). Designing EpICS: Implications for Cognitive Engineering. Poster session presented at the DARPA IPTO Bio-Bionics: Augmenting Cognition Workshop, Waikoloa, Hawaii [January].
Reeves, L.M. & Kingdon, K.S. (2002, July). UCF Immersion Center. Poster presented at the DARPA Augumented Cognition PI Meeting, Washington-Dulles.
Reeves, L. M., Stanney, K. M., Goldiez, B., & Kingdon, K (2002). RAVES: Developing a testbed for advancing augmented and virtual environment systems. Poster presentation at the 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando Florida, December 2-5.
Stanney, K.M., Reeves, L., & Kingdon, K. (2002, June). Multimodal communication in virtual environments: Developing a framework for modeling multimodal user interaction. Poster presented at ONR VIRTE PI Meeting, Washington-Dulles.
Reeves, L. M., Stanney, K. M., Patrey, J. E., & Breaux, R. B. (2000). The need for information visualization design guidelines. Paper accepted and presented as a CEU course at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, Education, and Training Conference (I/ITSEC) 2000, Orlando, FL, November 27-30.
Reeves, L. M. (1997). Predictive Modeling for a Management Information System. Presentation given to the “Honors in the Major” Undergraduate Thesis Defense Committee, University of Central Florida, 4/97.
[Won scholarship based on original thesis proposal; project utilized GOMS and NGOMSL modeling]
Reeves, L. M. (1995). ComCentral Usability Test Results and Design Recommendations. Presented to IBM’s Telephony Software Engineering Team, Boca Raton, FL, 12/1995.
Stanney, K. M., & Reeves, L. M. (1995). An Innovative Approach to Usability Testing: Facilitated free-play. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, CA, October 9-13.
Reeves, L. M. (1994). Applying TQM to Individualized Performance. Presentation at the 1994 Annual Inter-national Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems, Cocoa Beach, FL, March 14th.
Reeves, L. M., Lightsey, M., and Huhn, C. (1994). Park Care Analysis Proposal. Presentation given to the administrators of Winter Park Memorial Hospital’s Park Care Community Health Center, Orlando, 12/13.
Technical Reports
Worcester, L.L. & Reeves, L.M. (2006). Augmented cognition and expeditionary warfare S&T partnership technology assessment and evaluation. Tech. Report submitted to Mr. George Solhan, Office of Naval Research Code 30 Division Director, 01/2006.
Hale, K.S., Reeves, L., Samman, S., Axelsson, P., Milham, L.L., & Stanney, K. (2005). Multimodal Information Perceptualization for C4ISR Systems: Scientific and Technical Report Summary Report and Validation Plan. Contract No. N61339-04-C-0037, Orlando, FL: NAVAIR Orlando.
Stanney, K., & Reeves, L. (2005). Mitigation strategies and performance effects. White paper outbrief from a working session at Improving Warfighter Information Intake Under Stress, AugCog PI Meeting, March 2-4, 2005, Chantilly, VA.
Stanney, K.M., Reeves, L.M., Hale, K., Samman, S., & Buff, W. (2003). Multimodal Information Perceptualization (MIP) for C4ISR Systems. OSD Final Report, Contract No. N61339-03-C-0021, Orlando, FL: NAVAIR TSD
Stanney, K.M., Mollaghasemi, M., & Reeves, L. (2000). Development of MAUVE, the Multi-Criteria Assessment of Usability for Virtual Environments System. Final Report, Contract No. N61339-99-C-0098, Orlando, FL: Naval Air Warfare Center – Training Systems Division, 08/2000.
Stanney, K.M., & Reeves, L. (2000). COVE Evaluation Report. Final Report, Contract No. N61339-99-C-0098, Orlando, FL: Naval Air Warfare Center – Training Systems Division, 07/2000.
Reeves, L. M., Lanham, S., Rami, N., & Torrizo, T. (1997). Motorola iDEN Organizer Review. Submitted to Dr. Jim Wilson of Motorola, 07/1997.
Reeves, L. M., Lanham, S., Rami, N., & Torrizo, T. (1997). Virtual Environment Submarine (VESUB) Design Review, submitted to Dr. Bob Hays of NAWC-TSD in care of the VESUB project, 08/1997.
Reeves, L.M., & Keller, A. (1996). ComCentral Usability Test Plan and Results (and Recommendations for Design Improvements), submitted to IBM’s Telephony Software Engineering Team, 01/1996.
Reeves, L.M. and Stanney, K. M. (1994). Learning and Execution Time Analysis for the Dendrite Sales Representative ETMS Series 6.1 Interface, submitted to Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceuticals, 12/15/1994.
Theses / Dissertation
Reeves, L. M. (2007). Optimizing the design of multimodal user interfaces (Ph.D. Dissertation, UCF, Orlando, FL). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 3314. http://stars.library.ucf.edu/etd/3314
Reeves, L. M. (1999). Assessing the readaptation process associated with virtual environment post-exposure (Master's Thesis, UCF, Orlando, FL). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. Paper 2241. http://stars.library.ucf.edu/rtd/2241
Reeves, L. M. (1997). Predictive modeling of a management information system (Honors in the Major undergraduate thesis, UCF, Orlando, FL). HIM 1990-2015. Paper 82. http://stars.library.ucf.edu/honorstheses1990-2015/82
Trade Magazines
Reeves Butler, L. M. (2012). Treating from a place of knowing. Roots & Branches Student Newsletter, p3. Tai Sophia Institute.
Reeves, L.M. (2007-2009). Author of numerous articles in the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Bulletin, official newsletter of the HFES.
Reeves, L.M. (Ed.) (2007-2009). Editor and author of numerous articles in the Augmented Cognition Technical Group (AC-TG) E-Newsletter, the official newsletter of the HFES AC-TG.
Reeves, L.M. (Ed.) (2006-2007). Editor, Augmented Cognition International Quarterly [now: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Augmented Cognition Technical Group (AC-TG)E-Newsletter].
Reeves, L.M., Worcester, L.L. (2006). Augmented cognition and expeditionary maneuver warfare science & technology (S&T): article one of three in a series. Augmented Cognition International Quarterly, 3(3), 6-9.
Reeves, L.M., Worcester, L.L. (2006). Augmented cognition and expeditionary maneuver warfare science & technology (S&T): article two of three in a series. Augmented Cognition International Quarterly, 3(4), 6-9.
Reeves, L.M., Worcester, L.L. (2006). Augmented cognition and expeditionary maneuver warfare science & technology (S&T): article three of three in a series. Augmented Cognition International Quarterly, 4(1), 1-9.
Reeves, L. M., & Lai, J. et al., (2004). Guidelines for multimodal user interface design. Communications of the ACM, 47(1), 57‑59.